Welcome to Mountain View Elementary School!  


We are a proud representative of the Goleta Union School District, a District committed to success for all of the students we serve. At Mountain View, we are dedicated to fostering the growth and success of the whole child. Together we join to nurture intellectual, academic, and social-emotional development for all students.


We hold our students and staff to high standards for learning, acknowledging the challenges, rewards, and benefits this brings for Cougar youth and adults alike. We encourage learning through enrichment in music, art, STEAM, physical education, as well as targeted instruction for students needing acceleration and intervention. We are eager to support your family through your student's growth with rich, data-driven, high-quality instruction and collaborative classroom environments. 


We are proud to say that our Cougar community is unparalled--we have have committed faculty and staff members, a thriving PTA, and a school that serves as an active hub for the neighborhood.  We acknowledge that child development and success is a team effort, and we are grateful to partner with our families in this process. We welcome you and look forward to serving your family.


In gratitude,

Paige Dupont
Mountain View School