2020-2021 ELAC
When a school site has at least 21 English learners, it is required by law to have a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). ELAC has a set role to play as defined by State codes. It provides means by which parents of English learners can become informed and actively involved in the school, advising the school as it addresses the needs of the English learners.
ELAC meets four times a year to review: the Single Plan for Student Achievement for English Learners, Needs Assessment for English Learners, School Attendance, and recognize students who have been reclassified as fluent English speakers.
2020-2021 ELAC Representatives
Position: | Name: | |
President: | Viridiana Victoria | viridianavs83@gmail.com |
Vice-President: | Mario Galicia Jr. | ivptapresident@gmail.com |
DELAC Representatives |
Viridiana Victoria Jenny Altamirano |
viridianavs83@gmail.com jenniferalta77@gmail.com |
Secretary: |
Mrs. Takahara/Mrs. St. Oegger |
ctakahara@goleta.k12.ca.us jstoegger@goleta.k12.ca.us