Facilities Rental  - Civic Center Use of GUSD Site Property


The Goleta Union School District offers rental of public school facilities in accordance with the Civic Center Act. Public school facilities are considered a civic center where non-profit organizations, clubs, and citizens may meet within the limitations and requirements set by the Board of Education when such use does not interfere with school and district activities. 

The following documents are required for facility use request:

1.  Completed and signed Application and Permit for Use of School Property 

        *We require a seperate application for each school site requested.

        *The application needs to have the specific dates, day(s) of the week, and times being requested.

2.  Signed Facilities Use Waiver and Release of Claims

3.  A Certificate of Insurance (that shows evidence of general liability of at least $1,000,000)

      *Must state Goleta Union School District (or the school site(s)) as a named Certificate Holder


All documents need to be submitted via email or in person to:

Rosi Maldonado-Shaqur


Fiscal Services Dept., Room 6

401 N. Fairview Ave, Goleta, Ca 93117


The Goleta Union School District makes final decisions on all facility use requests and reserves the right to revoke facility use approval/usage at anytime. 


If you need assistance or have further questions you can email or call at: 805-681-1200 x2205


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