Department Information:
The Fiscal Services Department provides all basic internal and external financial functions for the District. This includes state and federal program compliance, payroll, employee expense reimbursements, budgeting, cash management, ordering and payments for goods and services, free and reduced lunch program processing, risk management, and financial statements. All Department personnel are available to help employees and also welcome questions from the public on any fiscal matters.
Notice of Public Hearing, August 28, 2024:
Proposed Adoption of a Developer Fee Study and the Increase of the Stautory School Fee
Goleta Union Developer Fee Study 2024
Important Links and Documents:
- Adopted Budget 2024-2025
- Audit Report 2023
- GUSD Second Interim 2023-2024 - [English] [Spanish]
- First Interim Financial Report 2023-2024 - [English] [Spanish]
- Unaudited Actuals Report 2022-2023 - [English] [Spanish]
- Adopted Budget 2023-2024 - [English] [Spanish]
- Proposed Budget 2023-2024
- Audit Report 2022
- Second Interim Financial Report 2022-2023
- First Interim Financial Report 2022-2023
- Unaudited Actuals Report 2021-2022
- EPA Web Posting 21-22 & 22-23 w/ Resolution 2022-17
- Adopted Budget 2022-2023
- Proposed Budget 2022-2023
- Audit Report 2021
- Second Interim Financial Report 2021-2022
- First Interim Financial Report 2021-2022
- LCAP Budget Overview for Parents 2021-2022
Conrad Tedeschi, CPA
Assistant Superintendent, Fiscal Services
Rosi Maldonado-Shaqur
Administrative Secretary
(805) 681-1200 x2205
- Bid Preparation and Management
- Facilities Use Permits
- Maintain department website
- Maintain department calendar
- MOU and contract mgmt.
- Support for departments under Fiscal Dept.
- Measure M/Bond and CBOC Admin. Support
Vanessa Sandoval
District Accountant
(805) 681-1200 x2208
- General Budget and Fiscal Support for Schools
- General Ledger & Financial Statements
- Deposits and Accounts receivable
- Audit oversite
Christine Blaney
District Buyer
(805) 681-1200 x2240
- Vendor Orders
- Pricing for Goods and Services
- District Warehouse Support
Leslie Menegon
Accounting Technician
(805) 681-1200 x2206
- Employee Reimbursements
- Risk Management Information
- Invoicing and Rent Collection
Lina Budiardjono
Accounting Technician
(805) 681-1200 x2209
- Classified Payroll
- Accounts Payable (Vendors O through Z)
- Tax Sheltered Annuity Info (IRS 403b Plans)
Sylvia Williams
Accounting Technician
(805) 681-1200 x2212
- Certificated Payroll
- Accounts Payable
- Vendors A through N
- GUSD Utilities
Bruce Talgo
Duplicating Services Technician
(805) 681-1200 x2227
- Printing and Publications
- Black and White and Color Copying
- Graphic Design and Layouts
- District Badge Photos
Matt Hardy
Warehouse Operator
(805) 681-1200 x2244
- Deliver supplies, goods, equipment and mail
- Prepare warehouse orders for delivery
- Receive and store warehouse materials
- Textbook inventory and distribution
Zubir Putih
Warehouse Operator
(805) 681-1200 x2257
- Plan, organize and coordinate warehouse operations
- Receive, store, and distribute warehouse supplies,materials and equipment
- Inventory control
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